Job Description and The Doll

Well Folks, I thought I would show you what I have been doing lately. My job description is a narrative journey at this point. I just help out where I can, watching for a need. Today, I held a doll while her face dried. Yeah, it was just painted and the studio had so much […]


Hey to you all, Wes here, writing in southern drawl. Not much going on here. So here’s a photo of me at work, hanging out with the headless Babes of Vermont Apron Company. I need to start gathering some real news. ~Wes


I’ve noted an oversite, Folks. I checked, and looked around but crap it’s true. There aren’t any Regular No tie Apron for the skinny folks. What the heck? I’ll let production know.

Spring 2015

Howdy Folks, Spring is finally here and goodness, they bought spring fabric that may blind us. I wasn’t at the shopping spree so don’t point fingers at me.   Honestly I have to squint to look at the darn thing.   ~Wes

Moving Up

Well Folks, I’ve been chosen to expand my role here. When I first came on board, I helped with marketing in our retail store and people loved me. I had a good time. I wasn’t sure what role I would play on the internet but sales it is. I just have to learn about social […]